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Dr. Magdaléna Jánošíková
Post-doctoral Researcher
Magdaléna Jánošíková is a postdoctoral researcher at JEWTACT. She studies the medical and scientific cultures in central and eastern Europe, specialising in the early modern Jewish medical expertise. She received her PhD degree in history from Queen Mary, University of London (2019) for her dissertation addressing medicine among 16th-century Ashkenazi Jews.
In 2021 she will begin her new project examining the practices of bodily care and their relation to the environment and the body as a Polonsky Fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Selected Publications:
“United in Scholarship, Divided in Practice: Seventeenth-Century Jewish
Physicians on Smallpox and Measles.” Isis: A Journal of the History of Science (Accepted).
"Studying Ibn Sina, Performing Abulafia in a Mid-Sixteenth-Century Prison: Emotional, Medical, and Mystical Bodies between Italy and Silesia," (European Journal of Jewish Studies. Special issue: “Kabbalah and Knowledge Transfer” (forthcoming Spring, 2022)
(with Tamas Visi) “Hebrew Fragments in a Regional Perspective: The Case of Moravia.” In Books within Books — New Discoveries in Old Bindings, edited by Lehnardt Andreas and Judith Olszowy-Schlanger. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2014: pp. 185–236.
“Premena percepcie knihy. Pohˇlad na moravsk´u kniˇzn´u kult´uru skrze hebrejsk´e fragmenty” [Slovak: The Shifting Perception of the Book. Moravian Book Culture through the Prism of Hebrew Fragments]. Casopis Matice moravsk´e 133,1 (2014): 53–69.
Joseph M. Davis with Magdaléna Jánošíková. Eliezer Eilburg: The Ten Questions and Memoir of a Renaissance Jewish Skeptic. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2020.
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