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Ahuvia Goren
Doctoral Researcher
Ahuvia Goren is a doctoral student specializing in early modern Jewish intellectual and cultural history. His research centers on Jewish perspectives on Renaissance humanism, the scientific revolution, and Italian-Catholic culture. His dissertation delves into the themes of uncertainty, doubt, and disbelief within the Italian Jewish community during the early modern period, employing perspectives from cultural history and the history of scholarship
From 2014 he was employed as a research assistant in different research projects in Tel Aviv University under Dr. Maoz Kahana and Prof. Yehuda Lerman. Goren submitted his M.A, thesis entitled “Rabbi Moshe Hefetz and his Book Melekhet Makhshevet: Science, Theology and Skepticism in Early Modern Venice,” to the Cohen institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas (Tel Aviv University) in 2018.
Within the project “Jewish Translation and Cultural Transfer in Early Modern Europe”, Goren studies Jewish Italian Literature which contains literal translations of scientific materiel alongside wider cultural translations of concepts and genres.
Selected Publications:
"The Lulav: Early Modern Historiography, Religious Polemics and the Art of Fencing." Religions. Special issue: "Divine Logos in Translation: Philosophy and Biblical-Exegesis in Context". 12(7), 2021.
“Benyamin Dias Brandon’s Orot Hamivot (1753): Halacha and Polemics in Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam.” Studia Rosenthaliana 46, no. 1-2 (2020): 189-210
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